Do you go for the win or do you play it safe?
The age-old question highlights what kind of person you are. Do you play it safe and stay in the same job you have, or do you look for new opportunities for growth and development?
There are different types of people and it takes all kinds to make the world go around. I tend to be a “look for new opportunities” kind of person but will only make the leap when I feel like the current opportunity is no longer worth the effort it seems to take or the risks of staying have increased.
I know some people that are so new opportunity focused that they become endless job hoppers moving from one job or business opportunity to the next for a minor change, a little higher salary, guaranteed Friday nights off, or the promise of future promotion.
I also know other people that will stay in the same job long after that is probably a good idea. They are the kind of people that would have kept working in a buggy-whip factory instead of taking one of the many new jobs at the Ford plant across the street. When cars essentially replaced the horse-drawn carriages, they were out of a job when their plant shut down. The same kind of people that stay in abusive or unhealthy relationships long after a second chance has turned into a 50th chance and there is no improvement or work to change.
I recently took the leap with a "new" opportunity and left my well-paying, retirement funded, healthy insurance provided job as a budget analyst with the State of Arizona to become a fulltime photographer and run my business. And… this past May, at the height of COVID-19!
Coach Thomas had a decision this past Friday night. When the Liberty Lions scored late in the 4th quarter, he could kick the extra point to tie the game and likely force overtime. The statistics say this is the safe way.
He chose to go for the two-point conversion. While that had higher risk, it also had a higher payoff. The risk of not scoring would mean the game was essentially over as Centennial would just need to run the clock out. The payoff was a win without the risk of overtime being a whole new ballgame. Momentum was on his side as Liberty had just charged down the field to score.
It paid off Friday night and the Liberty Lions won their first playoff game for this 2020 season and are now focused on their next game.